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Today I will talking about money content's superb film kadaisi vivasayi. now money content has made a lot of films that we have enjoyed.

But the money content we see here is not that man. He is not that mainstream entertainer this is not to say that kadaisi vivasayi is not a mainstream entertainer.

 It is and yet it isn't usually a mainstream film tries to make you laugh it tries to make you cry it tries to give you a message.

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kadaisi vivasayi tries to make you one with the universe or at least it tries to make us one with this earth the soil. 

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That we share with crows and ants and elephants and peacocks and a 90 year old farmer named maya d he is the kadaisi vivasayi of the title.

Now there's a very obvious and literal reason for this title. everybody around mayandi they've sold their lands, they are now doing other things and mayandi is literally the last farmer. the kadaisi vivasayi who takes his cattle to the field and plows the field.

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Now during a temple festival in the preparations for it people want a mud horse. Now where do they go to the local potter and that man is the last remaining potter in that village. 

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When he makes that mud statue they look on as if somebody's performing magic.

Now let's just say that mayandi is the kind of man, who even while he's buying punaka for his cattle he takes a bite of that cake, and he tries to see what it's like because he knows at once what its quality is by tasting it. 

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And second thing is he knows that he wants to feed the best possible punakar to his cattle. he cares about his cattle, he cares about each living plant. 

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Because each plant is a living life. And the big irony of the film is that, this man who believes that even a plant is alive.

He gets caught for killing a few living creatures and he ends up in a very bizarre and surreal court case which forms the rest of the film

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now take the moment where mayandi is in jail and is looking at the trees outside the jail. the walls of the jail are so high, that they can see only the tops of the trees.

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Now in another movie we would see mayandi weep, we might see him fall at the feet of his lawyer, we might see him protest against the arrest.


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but here he does none of those things, despite the fact that he is the protagonist. he is almost the acted upon he is not the actor, but he acted upon he is led from one incident to another incident thanks to local politics.

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